What literary device means (from latin) “against the man” it involves commenting on or against a person, to undermine them instead of their arguments
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What literary device means (from Greek) “against time” it is an error of chronology or timeline in a literary piece
What literary device means a technique in which a writer ascribes human traits, ambitions, emotions, or entire behaviors to animals, non-human beings or objects
What literary device means that the first letter of every verse consecutively forms a word or message
What literary device means (from Greek) “becoming silent.” a rhetorical device or figure of speech in which the speaker or writer breaks off abruptly
What literary device means the repetition of similar vowel sounds in two or more words in proximity to each other within a line of poetry or prose
What literary device means a repetition in two or more nearby words of initial consonant sounds
What literary device means (from Greek) “unconnected.” to intentionally eliminate conjunctions between phrases and sentences, yet maintain grammatical accuracy