Literature quizzes and lists
Booker Prize Winning Authors' 2000 - 2009
10 Questions by Kings Arms ★ ★ ★
Literature quizzes and lists
Who won the Booker Prize for The Blind Assassin in 2000
Who won the Booker Prize for True History of the Kelly Gang in 2001
Who won the Booker Prize for Life of Pi in 2002
Who won the Booker Prize for Vernon God Little in 2003
Who won the Booker Prize for The Line of Beauty in 2004
Who won the Booker Prize for The Sea in 2005
Who won the Booker Prize for The Inheritance of Loss in 2006
Who won the Booker Prize for The Gathering in 2007
Who won the Booker Prize for The White Tiger in 2008
Who won the Booker Prize for Wolf Hall in 2009

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