Literature quizzes and lists
Booker Prize Winning Authors' 1990 - 1999
11 Questions by Kings Arms ★ ★ ★
Literature quizzes and lists
Who won the Booker Prize for Possession in 1990
Who won the Booker Prize for The Famished Road in 1991
Who won the Booker Prize for The English Patient in 1992
Who won the Booker Prize for Sacred Hunger in 1992
Who won the Booker Prize for Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha in 1993
Who won the Booker Prize for How Late It Was, How Late in 1994
Who won the Booker Prize for The Ghost Road in 1995
Who won the Booker Prize for Last Orders in 1996
Who won the Booker Prize for The God of Small Things in 1997
Who won the Booker Prize for Amsterdam in 1998
Who won the Booker Prize for Disgrace in 1999

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Booker Prize Winning Authors 1980 - 1989

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Booker Prize Winning Authors' 1969 - 1979

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