Arts quizzes and lists
Spanish Artists and Paintings
10 Questions by Gillian ★ ★ ★
Arts quizzes and lists
Which Spanish artist painted "Portrait of Dora Maar" in 1937
Question 1
Which Spanish artist painted "The Persistence of Memory" in 1931
Question 2
Which Spanish artist painted "The Third of May 1808" in 1814
Question 3
Which Spanish artist painted "Las Meninas" in 1656
Question 4
Which Spanish artist painted "The Farm" in 1922
Question 5
Which Spanish artist painted "The Burial of the Count of Orgaz" in 1588
Question 6
Which Spanish artist painted "Sad Inheritance" in 1899
Question 7
Which Spanish artist painted "The Immaculate Conception of Los Venerables" 1678
Question 8
Which Spanish artist painted "Portrait of Pablo Picasso" in 1912
Question 9
Which Spanish artist painted "Saint Serapion" in 1628
Question 10

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