Kids quizzes and lists
Snoopy by Charles M. Schulz
8 Questions by J Carter ★ ★ ★
Kids quizzes and lists
What does the initial M stand for in the comic author Charles M. Schulz
In the comic strip Peanuts, who is Charlie Brown's Sister
In the comic strip Peanuts, who is Snoopy's bird friend. He communicates entirely through peeps
In the comic strip Peanuts, who is Snoopy's brother who lives alone in the California desert
In the comic strip Peanuts, who is Lucy's younger brother
In the comic strip Peanuts, who is fanatic about Beethoven and plays a toy piano
In the comic strip Peanuts, what type of dog is Snoopy
Which Apollo mission had a command module named Charlie Brown and Lunar Module named Snoopy

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