Language quizzes and lists
Occupational Surnames (Occupation / Name)
12 Questions by Richard III ★ ★ ★ ★
Language quizzes and lists
The origin of which surname came from the occupation of Barrel making
The origin of which surname came from the occupation of Arrow making
The origin of which surname came from the occupation of Wine selling or weaving of carpets
The origin of which surname came from the occupation of Wagon making
The origin of which surname came from the occupation of Pork butchering
The origin of which surname came from the occupation of Leather tanning
The origin of which surname came from the occupation of Guarding or being a watchman
The origin of which surname came from the occupation of Basket making
The origin of which surname came from the occupation of Fence keeping
The origin of which surname came from the occupation of Distilling
The origin of which surname came from the occupation of Candle making
The origin of which surname came from the occupation of Cloth Dying

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Occupational Surnames (Name / Occupation)

Quiz by Richard III ★ ★ ★ ★

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