Nature quizzes and lists
Spring Flowers in the UK
12 Questions by L.Walker ★ ★ ★ ★
Nature quizzes and lists
What is the English name for this spring flower: Hyacinthides non-scipta
Question 1
What is the English name for this spring flower: Trifolium Pratense
Question 2
What is the English name for this spring flower: Primula Valgaris
Question 3
What is the English name for this spring flower: Caltha Palustris
Question 4
What is the English name for this spring flower: Allium Ursinum
Question 5
What is the English name for this spring flower: Anthriscus Sylvestris
Question 6
What is the English name for this spring flower: Convallaria Majalis
Question 7
What is the English name for this spring flower: Stellaria Holostea
Question 8
What is the English name for this spring flower: Primula Veris
Question 9
What is the English name for this spring flower: Silene Dioica
Question 10
What is the English name for this spring flower: Ajuga Reptans
Question 11
What is the English name for this spring flower: Armeria Maritima
Question 12

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