What is the English name for the constellation Caelum
Graving tool
What is the English name for the constellation Camelopardus
What is the English name for the constellation Cancer
What is the English name for the constellation Canes Venatici
Hunting dogs
What is the English name for the constellation Canis Major
Big dog
What is the English name for the constellation Canis Minor
Little dog
What is the English name for the constellation Capricornus
Sea goat
What is the English name for the constellation Carina
Keel of Argonauts' ship
What is the English name for the constellation Cassiopeia
Queen of Ethiopia
What is the English name for the constellation Centaurus
What is the English name for the constellation Cephus
King of Ethiopia
What is the English name for the constellation Cetus
Sea monster (whale)
What is the English name for the constellation Circinus
What is the English name for the constellation Columba
What is the English name for the constellation Coma Berenices
Berenice's hair
What is the English name for the constellation Corona Australis
Southern crown
What is the English name for the constellation Corona Borealis
Northern crown
What is the English name for the constellation Corvus
What is the English name for the constellation Crater
What is the English name for the constellation Crux
Southern cross