Space quizzes and lists
Constellation Names S - V (Latin / English)
18 Questions by Pilot Pete ★ ★ ★ ★
Space quizzes and lists
What is the English name for the constellation Sagitta
What is the English name for the constellation Sagittarius
What is the English name for the constellation Scorpius
What is the English name for the constellation Sculptor
What is the English name for the constellation Scutum
What is the English name for the constellation Serpens
What is the English name for the constellation Sextans
What is the English name for the constellation Taurus
What is the English name for the constellation Telescopium
What is the English name for the constellation Triangulum
What is the English name for the constellation Triangulum Australe
What is the English name for the constellation Tucana
What is the English name for the constellation Ursa Major
What is the English name for the constellation Ursa Minor
What is the English name for the constellation Vela
What is the English name for the constellation Virgo
What is the English name for the constellation Volans
What is the English name for the constellation Vulpecula

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