Politics quizzes and lists
First First Ladies of the United States 1789 -1841
11 Questions by Mock.Turtle ★ ★ ★ ★
Politics quizzes and lists
Who was First Lady of the United States and wife of President George Washington
Who was First Lady of the United States and wife of President John Adams
Who was First Lady of the United States and daughter of President Thomas Jefferson
Who was First Lady of the United States and wife of President James Madison
Who was First Lady of the United States and wife of President James Monroe
Who was First Lady of the United States and wife of President John Quincy Adams
Who was First Lady of the United States and niece of President Andrew Jackson 1829 - 1834
Who was First Lady of the United States and daughter-in-law of President Andrew Jackson 1834 - 1837
Who was First Lady of the United States and daughter-in-law of President Martin Van Buren
Who was First Lady of the United States and wife of President William Henry Harrison
Who was First Lady of the United States and daughter-in-law of President William Henry Harrison

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