Nature quizzes and lists
Scientific Names for Fruits - Part B
10 Questions by Robby Robot ★ ★ ★ ★
Nature quizzes and lists
Which fruit has the scientific name Pyrus Malus
Which fruit has the scientific name Musa Paradisicum
Which fruit has the scientific name Prunus Avium
Which fruit has the scientific name Vitis Vinifera
Which fruit has the scientific name Citrus Limonium
Which fruit has the scientific name Citrus latifolia
Which fruit has the scientific name Citrus Aurantium
Which fruit has the scientific name Pyrus Communis
Which fruit has the scientific name Ananus Sativus
Which fruit has the scientific name Prunus Domestica

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Scientific Names for Fruits - Part A

Quiz by Robby Robot ★ ★ ★ ★

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