Politics quizzes and lists
UK Prime Ministers 1945 - 2022 (name - date)
18 Questions by Robby Robot ★ ★ ★ ★
Politics quizzes and lists
When was Clement Attlee Prime Minister of the UK
When was Winston Churchill Prime Minister of the UK for the second time
When was Anthony Eden Prime Minister of the UK
When was Harold Macmillan Prime Minister of the UK
When was Alec Douglas-Home Prime Minister of the UK
When was Harold Wilson Prime Minister of the UK
When was Edward Heath Prime Minister of the UK
When was James Callaghan Prime Minister of the UK
When was Margaret Thatcher Prime Minister of the UK
When was John Major Prime Minister of the UK
When was Tony Blair Prime Minister of the UK
When was Gordon Brown Prime Minister of the UK
When was David Cameron Prime Minister of the UK
When was Theresa May Prime Minister of the UK
When was Boris Johnson Prime Minister of the UK
When was Liz Truss Prime Minister of the UK
When was Rishi Sunak Prime Minister of the UK
When was Kier Starmer Prime Minister of the UK

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UK Prime Ministers 1945 - 2022 (date - name)

Quiz by Robby Robot ★ ★ ★ ★

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