What is the Latin name for a Blue Tit
Parus Caeruleus
What is the Latin name for a Great Tit
Parus Major
What is the Latin name for a Greenfinch
Carduelis Chloris
What is the Latin name for a Goldfinch
Carduelis Carduelis
What is the Latin name for a Bullfinch
Pyrrhula Pyrrhula
What is the Latin name for a House Sparrow
Passer Domesticus
What is the Latin name for a Tree Sparrow
Passer Montanus
What is the Latin name for a Starling
Sturnus Vulgaris
What is the Latin name for a Jay
Garrulus Glandarius
What is the Latin name for a Magpie
Pica Pica
What is the Latin name for a Jackdaw
Corvus Monedula
What is the Latin name for a Rook
Corvus Frugilegus
What is the Latin name for a Wren
Troglodytes Troglodytes
What is the Latin name for a Robin
Erithacus Rubecula
What is the Latin name for a Blackbird
Turdus Merula
What is the Latin name for a Song Thrush
Turdus Philomelos
What is the Latin name for a Common Gull
Larus Canus
What is the Latin name for a Woodpigeon
Columba Palumbus
What is the Latin name for a Skylark
Alauda Arvensis
What is the Latin name for a House Martin
Delichon Urbica