Literature quizzes and lists
Authors' Initials
13 Questions by Gioconda ★ ★ ★ ★
Literature quizzes and lists
What did the initials A. A. stand for in A. A. Milne
What did the initials C. S. stand for in C. S. Lewis
What did the initials H. G. stand for in H. G. Wells
What did the initials J. D. stand for in J. D. Salinger
What did the initial F. stand for in F. Scott Fitzgerald
What did the initials J.K. stand for in J.K. Rowling
What did the initials W. B. stand for in W. B. Yeats
What did the initials T. S. stand for in T. S. Eliot
What did the initials P. G. stand for in P. G. Wodehouse
What did the initials J. M. stand for in J. M. Barrie
What did the initials J. R. R. stand for in J. R. R. Tolkien
What did the initials L. M. stand for in L. M. Montgomery
What did the initials D. H. stand for in D. H. Lawrence

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