A student of Plato in Ancient Greece, he contributed to metaphysics, logic, poetry and linguistics.
Born in Germany, he argued that we cannot know what the world is like, only what we think it is like
Immanuel Kant
He was Aristotle’s teacher. He started the first institution of higher learning in the Western World
A Chinese philosopher who lived around 500 BC, he focused on relationships and how the family was important to society
He is famous for saying ”I think, therefore I am”
Rene Descartes
He is famous for the method in which a series of questions are asked to lead the listener to a conclusion
This English physician believed that all knowledge comes from our senses
John Locke
A Chinese philosopher who founded Taoism from the 6th century BC
A French philosopher who advocated the use of reason over organised religion
Born in China around 500 BC, he was a military general and philosopher, famous for writing ”The Art Of War”
Sun Tzu