Science quizzes and lists
The Mohs Scale of Hardness
10 Questions by Space Man ★ ★ ★ ★
Science quizzes and lists
Number 10 on the Mohs Scale. This crystal of carbon is the hardest mineral
Number 9 on the Mohs Scale. This crystal has the formula Al 03
Number 8 on the Mohs Scale. This crystal has the formula Al2SiO4(OHF)2
Number 7 on the Mohs Scale. This crystal has the formula SiO2
Number 6 on the Mohs Scale. This mineral has the formula KAlSi3O8
Number 5 on the Mohs Scale. This mineral has the formula Ca5(PO4)3(OHClF)
Number 4 on the Mohs Scale. This mineral has the formula CaF2
Number 3 on the Mohs Scale. This mineral has the formula CaCO3
Number 2 on the Mohs Scale. This mineral has the formula CaSO4 2H2O
Number 1 on the Mohs Scale. This mineral has the formula Mg3Si4O10(OH)2

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