What is meant by the text acronym "LOL"
Laughing Out Loud
What is meant by the text acronym "OMG"
Oh My God
What is meant by the text acronym "ROFL"
Rolling On the Floor Laughing
What is meant by the text acronym "IDK"
I Don't Know
What is meant by the text acronym "YW"
You're Welcome
What is meant by the text acronym "TIA"
Thanks In Advance
What is meant by the text acronym "SWAK"
Sealed With A Kiss
What is meant by the text acronym "RAK"
Random Act of Kindness
What is meant by the text acronym "HAND"
Have A Nice Day
What is meant by the text acronym "GR8"
What is meant by the text acronym "HAK"
Hugs And Kisses
What is meant by the text acronym "NAGI"
Not A Good Idea
What is meant by the text acronym "SMH"
Shaking My Head
What is meant by the text acronym "LMBO"
Laughing My Butt Off
What is meant by the text acronym "GLHF"
Good Luck, Have Fun