Politics quizzes and lists
Famous British Prime Ministers
10 Questions by harry ★ ★ ★ ★
Politics quizzes and lists
Which British Prime Minister born in 1676, was Britain's first
Which British Prime Minister set out the founding principles of the Conservative Party and led them to victory
Which British Prime Minister had a close relationship with George W. Bush, leading the UK to invade Iraq
Which British Prime Minister founded the UK's welfare state system, including the National Health Service
Which British Prime Minister was in office during World War I and the independence of Ireland
Which British Prime Minister led the change of Britiain's heavy industry to a services-based economy
Which British Prime Minister was in office when the American War of Independence was lost
Which British Prime Minister was in office at the time of victory at the Battle of Waterloo
Which British Prime Minister kept Britain neutral during the American Civil War
Which British Prime Minister signed the Munich Agreement with Adolf Hitler and promised peace

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