Geography quizzes and lists
Capital Cities Closest to the Equator
10 Questions by Peter59 ★ ★ ★ ★
Geography quizzes and lists
What is the closest capital city to the equator at 0 degrees and 15 minutes North
What is the second closest capital city to the equator at 0 degrees and 19 minutes North
What is the third closest capital city to the equator at 0 degrees and 20 minutes North
What is the fourth closest capital city to the equator at 0 degrees and 23 minutes North
What is the fifth closest capital city to the equator at 0 degrees and 32 minutes South
What is the sixth closest capital city to the equator at 1 degree 17 minutes North of the Equator
What is the seventh closest capital city to the equator at 1 degree 17 minutes South of the Equator
What is the eighth closest capital city to the equator at 1 degree 17 minutes North
What is the ninth closest capital city to the equator at 1 degree 57 minutes South
What is the tenth closest capital city to the equator at 2 degrees 4 minutes North

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